Neck lifting is a technique that has been practiced in the medical world for a long time.
It is always applied for correcting the ageing of the face and neck.
The face and neck lift concerns the neck, and aims to correct the effects of ageing.
It serves to counter the loosening of the skin and muscles of the face (oval of the face, jowls, cheeks, eyebrows and temples) as well as the neck.
The technique is never used to change the appearance of the face, but merely to restore the structures of the face and neck (fat, muscle, skin).
The intended outcome of the operation is that the patient’s former appearance will be restored.
The loosening of the muscles is corrected (pressure is applied), the skin is then adjusted, but within reason, to fit the new curves.
The result of this dual action is one that appears natural (the skin has not been “pulled”) and sustainable (with the muscle mass remaining solid). Generally, the follow up operations are simple because the skin hasn’t suffered any real stress.