Liposculpture (or lipoplasty) is the intervention of lipoaspiration (or liposuction) that qualified plastic surgeon will make by sculpting the subcutaneous fat to decrease the thickness, reduce it to the size of the neighboring regions, and thus obtain a homogeneous appearance
The qualified plastic surgeon will appreciate the retractability of the skin avoiding the creation of unwanted wrinkles or waves by a change in the ratio unbalanced container / content.
To achieve this the plastic surgeon uses very fine micro-cannulas.
He makes crossed plans to redefine curves and silhouettes of the body that would be the closest to the patient’s desire.
Regardless of his/her weight, an individual may have localized fat deposits, with thickening of the fat layer beneath the skin causing deformations in the form of a “ball” or bulges in comparison to neighboring regions amending thus the shape of the body. A general weight loss has little influence on this excess fat.
Liposculpture (or lipoplasty) is a procedure that allows sucking and reducing the excess fat. The best results are obtained when three conditions are met: a localized and not diffuse excess of fat, fairly elastic skin to fully retract, and a close to normal weight.
Lipoaspiration (or liposuction) does not treat an overweight or obese condition. In any case, the total weight of the person after the operation is only slightly modified. However, the removal of volume at specific locations will transform the body shape.